Funeral Home Obituaries
- Advantage (Portland)
- A. T. Hutchins (Portland)
- Bibber (Kennebunk, Wells, Berwick)
- Bibber Memorial at Autumn Green (Alfred)
- Brackett (Brunswick)
- Bragdon-Kelley (Ellsworth, Machias, Milbridge, Stonington)
- Brookings Smith (Bangor)
- Brown (Newport)
- Burpee, Carpenter & Hutchins (Rockland)
- Carll-Heald & Black Funeral Home (Sanford, Springvale)
- Chad E. Poitras Cremation & Funeral Service (Buxton)
- Chandler (South Paris, Bridgton, Mechanic Falls, Bethel, Oxford & Fryeburg)
- Cliff Gray Cremation & Funeral Services (Woodstock)
- Coastal Cremation Services (Portland)
- Conroy-Tully Walker (Portland, South Portland)
- Cote (Saco)
- Crosby & Neal (Greenville, Guilford, Newport, Corinna, Dexter)
- Daigle (Bath)
- Dennett, Craig & Pate (Saco, Buxton)
- Desmond Funeral Homes (Bath, Brunswick)
- Direct Cremation of Maine (Belfast)
- Dobson Family Funeral and Cremation Services (Arundel)
- Dolby-Blais & Segee (Gorham, Windham)
- Duncan Graves (Mars Hill, Presque Isle)
- Finley (Livermore Falls)
- Funeral Alternatives (Lewiston, Augusta, Brunswick)
- Gallant (Waterville)
- Hall (Casco)
- Hall's of Waldoboro
- Hobbs (South Portland)
- Hope Memorial Chapel (Biddeford)
- J.S. Pelkey (Kittery)
- The Jewish Funeral Home (Portland)
- Johnson (North Berwick)
- Jones-Rich-Barnes (Portland)
- Jordan-Fernald (Mount Desert, Bar Harbor, Ellsworth, Blue Hill)
- Kincer (Richmond)
- Knowlton Hewins Roberts (Augusta)
- LaFrance-Lambert & Black (Sanford)
- Lajoie (Ashland, Fort Kent, Madawaska, Van Buren)
- Lamson (Millinocket)
- Lary (Dover-Foxcroft)
- Lawry Brothers - Wheeler (Fairfield, Oakland)
- Lucas & Eaton (York)
- Mays (Calais, Eastport)
- McIntire-McCooey (South Berwick)
- Meader & Son (Rumford)
- Mockler (Caribou)
- Old Orchard Beach Funeral Home (Old Orchard Beach)
- Pinette Dillingham & Lynch (Lewiston, Auburn)
- Plummer (Augusta, Windsor)
- Poitras, Neal, & York (Cornish)
- Riposta (Belfast)
- Shorey Nichols (Pittsfield)
- Staples (Gardiner)
- Stetson's (Brunswick)
- Strong-Hancock (Damariscotta)
- Wilson (Gray)